Practical Placement

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Practical Placement enables students completing a course in aged care, disability and early childhood to gain exposure to a real workplace and put their skills and knowledge learnt in the classroom to the test.

For students, our strong industry connections and high student employment rates means NIET is ideally positioned to match students with reputable employers and have a range of placement opportunities. We ensure organisations participating in Practical Placement are sufficiently resourced and equipped to support vocational outcomes. For employers, we build top talent within the industry and in turn, supply job-ready students with the motivation and capabilities to succeed. 

Practical Placement is a mandatory element of many qualifications, with a minimum number of hours set for each qualification. Practical placement applies to the following NIET courses:

The practical placement journey

Here’s a general outline of the practical placement process

  1. NIET discusses and prepares students for placement opportunities early on.
  2. A student selects an organisation from the approved providers that is suggested by NIET.
  3. A Practical Placement agreement is signed by all parties.
  4. The NIET trainer monitors the student and employer Practical Placement experience and the student’s overall progress.
  5. The NIET trainer completes the Practical Placement checks at each visit to verify the student has completed the required placement tasks. 
  6. The employer and student consider ongoing employment options. 

Interested in becoming a NIET industry connection and a NIET practice placement provider?